First Aid & CPR Training

Why would we need CPR and First Aid Training?
Picture this, you walk by an office and notice someone slumped over a desk, unconscious. Will you stand by helplessly waiting for “someone” to do “something”? Or will you know how to help before the ambulance arrives?
We will never quite believe that a severe illness or injury will strike in our lives – we somehow think our children, our loved ones our coworkers are exempt from disaster. The fact is, at some time in our lives, most of us will be close to someone requiring immediate emergency first aid.
Even if paramedics are only ten minutes away, knowing how to respond to a medical emergency can mean the difference between life and death. Those few minutes may seem like a short time to wait for a theater ticket or a hot lunch but can literally be forever for someone with a severed artery, airway blockage or heart failure.
The American TRAUMA EVENT Management training program taught by Branash will give you and your employees the life saving
Basic Defibrillation Training

Basic Defibrillation (AED) Training
Use of this program may be subject to additional requirements. Performance Evaluations and a Written Knowledge Review are included. This meets the U.S. National Guidelines for First Aid Training in Occupational Settings and providing compliance with minimum OSHA regulations. This training will meet the laws of all states for layperson use of an AED.
The AED supplement follows the pattern of the Basic program by using video segments, Instructor demonstration Small Group Practices, and Talk-Through Scenarios.
The American TRAUMA EVENT Management Basic AED training includes:
- Integrating the Use of an AED
- Basic AED Operation
- Bare, Prepare, and Place Pads
- Troubleshooting Messages
- Other Considerations

Training Schedule